So I mentioned before that since my shop was closing, I hoped that being internet based would give me the freedom to not only spend my time sourcing good stock, but to have a crack at designing. If you weren't aware of this then you may have missed that post, silly you, it was a good one. All emotional strife and soul searching, but you have no-one to blame but yourself.

Well the momentum is building on the designing front, we have recently used our t-shirt prints for sweatshirts and took delivery of our first menswear tailored piece. The white shirt, a staple of any mans wardrobe. We have given it our own spin by using some beautiful paisley patterned fabric from 'Liberty', I am delighted with the finished result. I should probably make clear that me nor Natalia have any formal fashion training, so we are not going to create any ground breaking fashion. What we do have is years of loving fashion and an understanding of what both us and the people we have sold to in the last few years want, as consumers. We hope to provide a sort of "other" option to the very expensive high fashion pieces that we all love, but very few of us can actually afford more than maybe one amazing piece a season, and the high street pieces that are sold in their thousands up and down the country. Also we want pieces that are going to look great with your vintage buys, as this remains our inspiration.

Ladies-wear is a bit further on than menswear for now and the response has been great, with some items selling out before we have a chance to put them online, just through uploading images to our facebook, or someone stopping by the office.
We actually have the luxury of being both creator and retailer, allowing us to sell a piece as and when it is made rather than having to wait until we have a full collection to show and sell. I'm sure that is something that we will work towards, but for now this is avenue is champion for us.